Social media builds following. Memberspod turns that into income.
Designed for
The creator subscription platform for the future. Launch your own branded community for FREE and start earning recurring income from memberships!
What can I create with Memberspod?
Simple Pricing. No hidden cost.
10,000 Members
10 Spaces, 10k Posts
30 GB Storage
3% fee *
Groups, Forums & Events
Create and Sell Courses
Community Challenges
Advanced Analytics
AI Generated Content **
Send Email Broadcasts
Setup Custom Domain
Custom Profile Fields
Multiple tools cost you thousands each year!!
Link in Bio
Link in Bio, Store, Email
Email Marketing
Creator Tools
Link in Bio, Email Marketing
9% fee
10% fee
* This does not include the ~3% payment processing fee by Stripe
** AI generated content is only available to Admins of the community, not your members, for now.